Best Countries to Start Online Business in 2021

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  Hello, again and again, we are continually giving interesting information in the blog framework to you. Importantly, Today’s topic as you learned from the title represents the source how to incorporate online, setting up a company for Online Business purposes, and so on. Besides, I will introduce you to the best countries for an internet entrepreneur to incorporate. I know that the selection process is so exhausting. So I have decided to make it simplified as I’m gonna list the criteria how to select the best country for your Online Business. Hereby, we will be glad to receive feedback

Major Takeaways from this blog

  • When you research for the host country for your digital business take into account all the possible outcomes in terms of taxation and hidden fees.
  • Many countries apply taxes on foreign income sources. Such, in the US or Germany, even if you pay zero tax in the host country, the residents of those countries still need to declare foreign income and pay taxes in their home countries.
  • Get residency in the host country and avoid paying double taxes in home and host countries. Once you are a tax resident in the host country as a digital entrepreneur you are not obligated to pay foreign income tax in the home country, country of your origin,
  • Do not mix up residency and tax residency. These are two different things.
  • Example of Georgia, a benefit for online businesses such as TAX-free status and the possibility to claim tax residency straight away.

If you are looking for to:

incorporate a tax-free Digital Business Remotely

1. You can form an LLC remotely, without even visiting the country. 
2. You can easily open a bank account, such as transferwise account. 
3. In order to comply with taxes on foreign income, if your country has one, there are several options:
      a) claim Georgian tax residency with living in Georgia for at least six months. Which is probably the least applicable to you.
      b) If your income in your home country is more than 60000EUR a year, Georgia can grant you tax residency without even meeting the first point here. 
      c) If none of them is applicable for you, consider the nominee director services.
If you need help with setting up a tax-free Digital Business always feel free to contact Mari, who has helped many foreigners with this.

There is actually proven legal way to minimize taxes for your online business. Here is how you can actually  reduce tax burden for the Digital Business. I have helped many of my clients to do so.  Watch me as I discuess details.

What does it mean to incorporate your business?

setting up company for online business

First of all, Business incorporation is the process by which treats a business entity as a separate legal entity. Of course, from the law point of view. You will create a Limited Liability Company (LLC) (in Georgia) or a corporation. This means that it receives the same rights and the right to function in the same form as an individual citizen. Moreover, there are many benefits for an internet entrepreneur to incorporate. Lastly, the corporation can:

  • First, Start a lawsuit
  • Second, Protect its shareholder’s personal property in case of seizure while a lawsuit.
  • Third, To acquire personal assets
  • Last, Will remain behind the riots.

Briefly, incorporating a business as an LLC means that you will not be the only one responsible if the company incurs any losses. At last,  You are responsible only for the money you invest in, not the total amount of investment.

Advantages for legal entity to set up an Online Company

Initially, a legal entity is a corporate gadget that contains your business. This is your business asset LLC., C-Corp or LTD, and so on. take a look at the following ones, advantages about online company registration and
incorporating online. Surely, there are so many and you should make certain with the following points, which country should have:

  • First, Simple Form Filing
  • Second, privacy
  • Third, banking ability all around the world
  • Next, No tax at the corporate level on the world income
  • After that, enhanced asset protection
  • Then, company meetings are held according to your will
  • Also, not capitalization requirements anymore
  • Then, no limit for members of the company (secretary…)
  • After that, No publicly accessible accounts
  • Finally, perfect juridical reputation

How to select best country for your Online Business

register business in georgia

Before you choose best country for your Online Business , you need to consider a few key factors that will influence on your decision making. Hereby, take a recommendation to think about your company. And, determine how you are going to run your business and then how to incorporate it online. Also, in the countries in which you will be participating. For digital nomads who have experience in flag theory, look to see if your flags have a relationship. lastly, You will decide together where to set up your company for online business. So they are:

You have to take this note that in several cases, you are under obligation to pay income tax on the income earned. Otherwise you may be required to pay income tax despite you are incorporated there or a resident there. For this, you should find the best place to incorporate online, where also be your service costumers and suppliers 

CFC is a controlled foreign corporation and refers to a company registered in another country before its owners live. If a country has CFC rules,information about your business, finances, banking sector and so on will be shared by the governments. This can affect your tax liabilities. It is perfect situation for you to find a country that does not applies the CFC rules. From our practice we can advice you Georgia, the country where CFC rules doesn’t work.

In territories where isn’t stable government, your accounts could be closed. Find The best country for an internet entrepreneur to incorporate with no political or economic unrest or other disturbs.

#other important notes | Set up Online Business

Most of the businesses around the world feel more convenient if you use well-recognized payment processors such as Square, Stripe or PayPal to settle taxes and incorporate online. In some countries these payment aggregators are not an option and you may need to select a local payment processor in your company’s country. This can affect your performance if people are not convenient with a payment processor that they do not recognize or trust. Another downside is that, as an offshore company, you may have to pay a large transaction fee to pay the taxes you incur.

I would say the main thing that can really affect on you, your employees and co-founders is tax implications and their treaties in the country. before you select the country to register online company consider things such as for example, tax relief as a founder. consider income tax debt as well as capital gains…also from our practice we can advice two country where tax implications is minimal. one taxation in Georgia made simple and another Poland where is suitable tax climate for investors

the most sensitive topic that really influences bad on investors mainly to create online business. paperwork contains a stint where as well as you should report about other requirements. such as company filings required by Company’s Law of the country in which you incorporate.

It is easier to set up a company for online business when you have country’s residency where you’re gonna conduct your e-business.

Best Countries to Start Online Business in 2021

1) The British Virgin Islands

The best country for an internet entrepreneur to incorporate

The British Virgin Islands (BVI) is the best place to incorporate if you are an internet entrepreneur who has a worldwide income that makes you want an offshore park. Most importantly,  BVI has the most well-known authoritative company that includes all offshore jurisdictions. One of the most beneficial aspects of BVI International Business is that you can incorporate this inclusion into a well-known tax  jurisdiction. Such as, for example, Hong Kong or Singapore. Asian banks are particularly willing to work with BVI companies.

2) Denmark

best place to incorporate company online

see the list of advantages below:

  • With Flexibility, you will get the most flexible hiring and release rules in the world, which reduces the cost of business operations above or below.
  • You can register and complete your merger in days, not weeks.
  • There are no requirements for residents for management, including the CEO and the Board of Directors.
  • No notarial acts.
  • Establishing your business in Denmark is an effective tax, compared to other Nordic countries.
  • The law of the Danish company is modern and complies with the current EU legislation.

3) Singapore

setting up company for online business

According to its strong trading and investment opportunities, the city attracts global entrepreneurs and leaders, named as the most competitive Asian country for starting a business. It is under-recognition one of the best places best place to incorporate a company online. as it happens:

  • is one of the richest nations in the world,
  • is stable politically and growing economically,
  • is an easy location to do business,
  • has a strong workforce, and imposes no dividend or capital gains taxes

4) Georgia | Set up Online Business

Where to set up an International Business


  • A company can be set up within three days
  • It’s a real and prestigious country
  • There are only a few requirements, such as, licenses and permissions 
  • Special Regime for IT business makes Georgia the best country to start Online business. IT business is tax free in this country and it is not complication to claim your tax free status. If you need help with this, keep in mind that this company based in Georgia and we will gladly help you with this. Check below my youtube blogs.

see here how to establish a company in Georgia.

5) Poland

Poland is among the developed Central-Eastern European Countries, by its business climate it attracts a great number of investors and investments in the country. Key investment areas consist of the following things: manufacturing, textiles, chemicals, food-producing, technical and scientific activities, retail trade, automobile sector, and today’s advanced topic real estate market. Besides, the economic situation is quite attractive as there is the lowest inflation rate of 3.16 % fixed in the near past.Contact our partner company to set up your Polish Business easily. Poland is the best country for an internet entrepreneur to incorporate. 

6) Cyprus

registration online business in Cyprus

   Cyprus, well known for the benefits it offers investors, especially in transport areas. For example, profits from Cypriot vessels’ operations are not subject to tax. Also, the dividends of the companies that own the ship are exempt from tax.
  Cyprus has excellent infrastructure, has 2 international airports, 3 shipping ports, and a modern road network. This contributes to the export and import of goods.

  International and multinational companies and banks operate in Cyprus, which attracts small operating costs, economic freedom, and well-trained local companies that are ready to consult if needed. Pleasant weather, culture, and Mediterranean cuisine attract tourists all year round.

How to Register an Online Business?!

  If you read this part of article, it means that you really are interested in starting an online business. So, We would like to deepen your interests and give a well-described overview on how to register an online business. Follow each instruction carefully and you will find out how easy it is. 

Online Business registration

# Chapter 1: Define Your Business Structure

   Before you make up your mind to register your business, you need to clearly define your future business structure. In order to identify the best business structure you are recommended to ask the following questions yourselves. They are:

  • Have I decided to start business alone?! If you would like to start business alone, it is better to consider starting a sole proprietorship.
  • Have I decided to start a business with a partner or some investors?! If your plans include starting a business with a partner, a partnership is the best way to accomplish your goal. It should also be noted that the future partner is responsible for day-to-day activities, opt for a standard partnership. And if you just want to invest, a limited partnership is the best option.
  • Will I aspire to my separate finances and liabilities more?! The fitted legal entity in this case is LLC. You can simply set up LLC alone or with a partner. Besides LLC is considered to be one of the frequently used business forms to start your company.
  •  Am I going to have employees or distribute shares?! then the matter is a little bit complicated. It means your business includes some branches or locations with staff. It is better to form a corporation. 
  • Promoting a cause or contribution to people?! If you are going to help people it is better to form a benefit corporation or even better is, non-profit corporation or cooperative.

So, you have to select which kind of legal form (also called business structure) most fits you. To overview they are:

  1. sole proprietorship / Individual entrepreneurship 
  2. Partnership
  3. Limited partnership
  4. LLC Limited Liability Company
  5. Corporation
  6. Non-profit corporation
  7. Cooperative (Co-op)

# Chapter 2: Register your Online Business

   Once we have determined what business structure we need for an online business, it is time to take care of the paperwork and registration process. Consider the following points:

  • Registration Process includes:
  1. Registering Entity Name
  2. Registering DBA name (Doing Business AS). As you might have guessed this is the public name of your business.
  3. Registering Business as a legal entity.
  4. Registering for the relevant licenses and permits. Will you have to apply for some licenses and permits or not depends on your country, state, Industry, city and so on…
  • Registering an online business with your State. This usually implies getting a trademark, final name of your business from the state. 

  • Registering Locally.  Local governments require business entities to apply for different licenses and permits. hereinafter the requirements are quite varied, it is usually best to check with your local SBA or courtroom to make sure you have the permits you need.
  • License for Business operation. 
  • Home Occupation Permit.
  • permit of a seller.
  • Sales tax license.

# Chapter 3: Applying For EIN

   If you are a small business holder, you might have interested in need or not a federal business tax ID number, which is also called an Employee Identification Number (EIN). So, what’s EIN, it is a unique nine-digit number that is capable to identify the certain businesses. This will be used on all your federal business tax documents, as well as, forms, and most of the time for state and local tax purposes. One also will need EIN for business licenses and permits, and everywhere you are requested to document your business with an IRS number.

Steps to Get EIN:

  1. Firstly, make up your mind whether you need it or not.
  2. Then, visit webpage IRS and begin filling the application.
  3. After that, Answer to the requested questions
  4. And, Submit and save documentation.

# Chapter 4: Opening a Bank Account for your Business

 Once you have set up your business entity you are required Open a Bank account for your business. Before Choosing the bank consider the following things:

  • Research the benefits for each bank
  • make a comparison of loan offers
  • Make sure about banking fees
  • Get ready to prepare the documents and submit

# Chapter 5: Registration of your Business trademark and copyright

  Since you guys know why it is important to register your trademark and copyrights we will list the things you need to consider when you register your business trademark in any country:

  1. Make up your mind if you need copyright, patent, or trademark.
  2. Understand the varied types of trademarks.
  3. Find out about trademark costs.
  4. How long will it last to register.
  5. How long will the trademark last
  6. Choose the trademark that you are sure nobody uses
  7. Better to trademark your logo an motto.

# Chapter 6: maintain legal and keep your business growing

  the last part is not less important than the previous ones were. After you successfully have passed the ways above you are recommended to keep your business legal by filling the reports to the tax authorities and so on… Besides, If you decide to expand your business and hire employees or freelancers you have to pay attention some detail , such as employee benefits etc. 

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