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property valuation in Georgia

I would like to greet you to our page permanent or a new reader. I am back with another interesting and still many times asked topic, let me introduce you to what kind of resident permits are issued in Georgia and how property appraiser service works in Georgia. To say shortly, we’re gonna discuss Property Valuation Services For Residence Permit in Georgia.

What kind of residence permits are issued in Georgia?| Residence Permit in Georgia

here are several types of residence permits under issuance  in Georgia. among them those below are important:

  1. Residence permit for work . issued to those persons whose come in Georgia for entrepreneurial, labor activities/freelance work it’s for those individuals whose are starting a business and register company in Georgia.
  2. Study residence permit . issued to person who gives interest in studying in Georgia at accredited Universities.
  3. Family reunification residence permit.issued for family members whose has also family member in Georgia. who has obtained a status of stateless person in Georgia.they include: any person under who is under her/him taking care.
  4. Residence permit for former Georgian citizen. issued to a person once who has been under suspend with her/him Georgian citizenship.
  5. Stateless person residence permit. issued to a person who’s status of stateless person Georgia confirmed.
  6. Special residence permit . issued for those individuals for whom there is doubt that these people might be victim of human trafficking. Also, violence or so on.
  7. Permanent residence permit. issued to family members of foreign citizen of Georgia or naive Georgian citizen . Thus, who has foreign spouse and children .
  8. Temporary residence permit. issued to individuals who’s prove that he/she was suffering from domestic violence.
how to apply for Georgian residence permit

What is difference between permanent and temporary real estate investment residence permits | Property Valuation Services

The first type of residence permit is permanent. indefinite residence permit for those individuals and their family members. It means, who have invested in the real estate market in Georgia. Most importantly, at least 300 000 United State dollars equivalent to Georgian Lari. The second type is issued to the owner of immovable property. Especially, who has invested at least 100 000 USD dollars in the Georgian real estate market. TRC in Georgia – usually granted for one to six years. So, We offer our Property Valuation Services For Residence Permit in Georgia.

In this Video I talk about  residence permits on a basis of real estate investment in Georgia. If you find it useful, make sure to subscribe to the channel 🙂

If you show interest to obtain TRP or PRP based on your real estate Investment in Georgia. Hence, we can help you in different way. You can either order separate service of full package. We offer:

  • First, Georgian Property Search
  • Second, Support with Georgian Real Estate Purchase Procedure.
  • Third, Support with residence permit Application. Furthermore, Our team consists of immigration lawyers. Especially, who can act like your immigration agent. And, help you to obtain either temporary residency in Georgia or permanent one.
  • Fourth, Or our Certified Property Appraiser can appraise your property until you purchase It. Further, For residency application Government does not take into account the value which you pay. In contrast, You may pay less but if the appraiser appraises your property for more than the above-mentioned values. then you are eligible for the residence permit in Georgia. Therefore It’s highly recommended to let a government-certified Appraiser make your property valuation. To sum up, Yes, we do offer property valuation services.

Property Valuation Services in Georgia

People interested in real estate property can take advantage of the real estate property appraiser service. Property Valuation Services and namely Appraising of real estate property carried out by certified appraiser. who has multiyear of working experience in this field?

Most importantly, Our Goal is in the following that makes appraising service reasonable. Moreover, We can help you to identify actual market prices of real estate property in accordance with international standards. With our help, you can exactly know the market value of your property.  You don’t need to be applying for a residence permit to be careful enough to ask professionals to evaluate your property before you buy It, right

appraising process in Georgia

What does the property appraiser service in Georgia include?

the Property Valuation Services include all of the procedures related to real estate property apprising (within Georgia). property , which cab valuated : a flat, a house, commercial space,vacant lands – need individual discussion and taking specified concrete notes. You can also find our another blog about,Residence permits based on real estate investments.  

Appraising process

  • First, Identification of the property
  • Second, Ownership right identification
  • Third, Usage of appraising conditions
  • Fourth Defining the costs
  • Next, Fixing Appraising date
  • Then, Appraising
  • After that, Preparing Legal Document which can be used in Government authorities.
  • Finally, Handling It.
Thus,Contact our certified real estate appraisers by simply filling this form:
property valuation in Georgia

There isn’t a law existing in Georgia for the appraising system separately output. Therefore, the basis of the legislation is under-represent and carried out in accordance with the law of accounting, reporting, and audit. so from here, we understand signature authority right has accredited appraising authority appraiser certified specialists.

Certification of property appraisers is under arrangement according to the property categories. Moreover, an appraiser must be certified as a property type – real estate, leasing interests, and so on. To Conclude, a real estate appraiser has such a right to rate neither the movable property nor a business.

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